(prompting some thoughts on FREE LUNCH)
"The benefits of vitamin D, at least to bone, are clear.
Beyond debating the numeric definition of vitamin D deficiency and seeking
additional potential benefits of vitamin D sufficiency, future research should
address how to promote moderate exposure to the sun and healthful eating habits
and increase compliance with vitamin D supplementation. Before considering
ordering a 25-hydroxyvitamin D test, clinicians should ask themselves why a
patient may have vitamin D deficiency in the first place and take the
opportunity to promote a healthful lifestyle. Clinicians also should assess
whether the patient will be compliant with vitamin D supplementation and how to
increase that compliance. Without changes in lifestyle or
compliance with long-term supplementation, a short duration of vitamin D
"sufficiency" maintained by high doses of vitamin D does not warrant
screening for vitamin D deficiency in most patients."
(MY emphasis above)
Many doctors lack time to read studies -
probably getting their news from titles of studies or headlines, which we know
don't often correspond to content. With less knowledge they generally
follow the 'instructions' of the companies they have known - remember most of
the doctors in practice today went to medical school at the time (stopped only
recently). Here are some articles on that CONFLICT of INTEREST.
Additionally current screening is about disease DISCOVERY even
though it is often referred to as 'Prevention'. Taking vit D3 on a
national scale , would be TRUE prevention and that is not in step with the
goals of our consumerism-oriented society. To be fair, any new concept
takes an extremely long time to enter our medical system so this one will be
kicked around for perhaps another TWENTY years before it is well
understood. Still many studies have shown those diagnosed with cancer
have low levels of vit D3. It is not yet clear if this is a cause.
Buy many of us who follow an Integrative health program - using (mostly)
Organic food, being physically active, reducing stress (learning to deal with
it better), detoxing, and taking dietary supplements, generally will add vit D3
if needed. I certainly did.